Get to know us

QLM Learning was established in 2023 by Omar Abdul Fatah, a BC certified teacher, TEDx speaker, and student of knowledge, to support Muslim parents with home learning in British Columbia. The acronym QLM stands for "Quality Learning for More." It was also selected because of its resemblance to the Arabic word "Qalam," which means pen. Muslims believe that Allah, All-Mighty God, taught mankind with the pen. QLM Learning is driven by Islamic principles and our objective is to help our students attain success in this life and the next.

books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf

Our mission

We're on a mission to support Muslim parents in their home learning journeys. Our ultimate mission is to help students succeed academically, while developing the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to become strong Muslims and community leaders.

Our vision

Our vision is to offer quality academic support while instilling the knowledge, skills, and character necessary for our students to live productive lives as Muslims and community leaders.